Monday, May 6, 2013

Live! From Denver, Colorado

Over the past year live streaming has become a huge part of our business and as such, we’ve done conferences, seminars, and even town hall meetings. Armed with our Black Magic ATEM switcher, we have streamed events from Tech Field Day to election coverage in Washington D.C.

As we continue to network with new clients and expand on our abilities as video professionals, we've decided to take our mobile live streaming production unit to the next level by purchasing a Tricaster 455. This professional switcher will enable us to enhance our streaming capabilities with elaborate graphics integration, custom picture-in-picture abilities, and more.

This latest addition to our production family will really make our streaming package shine. We begin our first project with the Tricaster in one week, and we're excited use it in the field. For our final project with the Black Magic Switcher, we went to Denver, Colorado for Storage Field Day 3.

Our mobile production unit travels all over the country and around the world. We always try to make the best use of our time by using the flights to organize, manage, and review our work. Being mobile has its benefits, including editing on the plane with ease. In this way, we can multitask and still remain organized on many projects at once.

When we’re in a city where we have multiple clients, coordination is key. For example, while Denver for Tech Field Day, we collaborated with another client of ours, Exablox, to produce some content for them too. By effectively managing our time, we were able to produce two demonstration videos for this innovative storage company.

We switched gears the next morning back to Tech Field Day, an event that brings bloggers to clients for in-depth conversations and demonstrations. Always seeking to provide the absolute best quality stream, we decided to individually mic each of the delegates. Previously, we had used just 4 table microphones to capture the audio of the 12 delegates, but we found that this would result in their questions and comments being too quiet.  By using an individual microphone for each of the delegates, we were able to broadcast their speech with far more volume and clarity. Sneezing did become a bit of a 'loud' problem, however. We're working on this.

Each of the individual delegate's lapel microphones were plugged into a snake that led back to an audio mixer.  This mixer allowed us to manage all of the delegates individually as well as each of the presenters.  This new set up was a little daunting at first, but after we dialed it in, the system worked phenomenally.

Tech Field Day is always a well-organized event that we're constantly aiming to improve.  This efficiency creates excellent coverage for all the viewers watching online from around the world.

If you are interested in live streaming your next meeting, event, or seminar, please contact us at 480.240.9270. 

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