It was much colder than the warm Arizona heat we were used to, but it wasn't crowded and albeit, a very cool experience. We rode the metro, which proved to be an excellent form of transportation, with a station near our hotel.
We busied ourselves Sunday shooting teasers for the broadcast (one of them is embedded above). In addition to these promos, we returned to the National Mall, in the daylight, to gather Broll.
We managed to capture the reflecting pool at sunset, which was an absolutely stunning shot. We used our Canon 5D and captured not only great shots of monuments, but also shots of people. The mall was much busier during the day, with a lively atmosphere.
Monday was our final day of preparation, and we shot a couple of interviews, as well as arrived at our space at Americans for Tax Reform. As we set up, the crew worked hard to finish organizing all the content, along with the rundown sheet for the show. The rundown listed the order of the show, including interviews and Skype calls to keep the whole team on track.
Arriving early Tuesday morning, we wanted to make sure we had plenty of time to test everything. For this shoot, PrimeImage Media functioned primarily as the technical crew, while the rest of the crew assisted in the flow of the show and the content. We worked together as a team and began our broadcast at 4pm.
Bringing 300 pounds of equipment, our set up was nothing short of impressive. We were pleased with the space, and the broadcast went smoothly. Being a part of the election, even in a small way, was absolutely thrilling and we enjoyed every minute of it. While our broadcast went on for six hours or so, it was high energy and fast paced. Around 11pm, our president was reelected and the show came to a close.
The whole event was challenging and took our abilities as a production team to the next level. This was the biggest broadcast event we have ever done, and we look forward to what future projects have in store for us. As Wednesday brought a new day, half our production team traveled to San Jose for Tech Field Day, completing this eventful, yet equally exciting week.
For Storage Field Day 2, Scott ran the switcher for most of the event. This Tech Field Day included at least four set ups and tear downs a day and was equally challenging.
While the M/E 2 switcher was away in D.C., the M/E 1 switcher was across the country in California. Having both of these switchers allows us to do many different types of events on different scales. We are constantly growing and learning, acting professionals for whatever your video production needs are. If you would like to request our services, please call us at 480.240.9270
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