Sunday, October 25, 2009

Photoshopping Real Estate Pictures for Fun and Profit

We've all seen the recent kerfuffle over Ralph Lauren's photoshopped model photos (in case you haven't, they're here), but there are definitely times when a little photoshopping is in order.

Take, for example, a recent aerial shoot we did of a gorgeous home here in Paradise Valley, Arizona. This is really a stunning estate, but due to the time of year and absence of the owners, the lawn was less than perfect. You could actually pay a lot more to get a far better photoshop result, but these images, while far from perfect, do a pretty good job of conveying the look of 'grass', and we were able to turn the project around in a single day, without breaking the bank.

Here's a few examples, with the 'before' following the 'afters'. Let me know what you think...

Photoshop Grass Before & After

Photoshop Grass Before & After

Photoshop Grass Before & After

Photoshop Grass Before & After

Photoshop Grass Before & After

Photoshop Grass Before & After

Again, our goal is to produce something that conveys the right emotion on a tight timeframe, even if it can't stand up to the closest photographic scrutiny. If you have a project that you'd like to photograph, but might need a little sprucing up after the fact, drop us a line at 480.240.9270.